Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lizzie - Day 4 + Oatmeal and Laraballs!

Day 2 – Mon April 30:
Weight: 120.0
Exercise: I did Bob Harper’s Kettlebell – Sculpted Body workout (45 min) – first time doing this one, it was tough but I liked it!, 4 mi run (32:36)
Food: 1384 calories. 11.5% protein, 28.1% fat, 59.9% carbs
I had oatmeal, dates, leftover baba ghanouj with carrots, cranberry juice, coconut water, peanut butter, milk with my NanoGreens supplement (it has the antioxidant power of 10 fruits/veggies!), grapes, and quinoa tabbouleh salad with ½ a sweet potato for dinner, and a hard-boiled egg.
I wish I had taken a picture of the quinoa tabbouleh salad, it was so good, and pretty!

Day 3 – Tues May 1:
Weight: 118.5
Exercise: Jillian Michaels’ Killer Buns & Thighs DVD (~30min), 2.4 mi run (20:48)
Food: 1521 calories. 16.5% protein, 35.9% fat, 49.9% carbs
I had cranberry juice, coconut water, 1Tbsp peanut butter, oatmeal with added milk, 2 hard boiled eggs, pouch of tuna (I’ve been buying these at work lately to get my protein fix), orange, leftover quinoa tabbouleh salad, Larabar – chocolate chip cookie dough (ingredients are cashews, dates, chocolate chips, salt), tortilla chips with lentils and guacamole.

Day 4 – Wed May 2:
Weight: 118.5
Exercise: Jillian Michaels’ 6 Week 6 Pack DVD (30min)
Food: 1934 calories. 17.6% protein, 24.8% fat, 58.7% carbs.
I had oatmeal with milk, 16-20oz pineapple spinach juice (I bought it at the Tustin Farmers Market, first time there!), banana, orange, leftover curried chickpeas, several Pretzel Crisps, whole wheat tortilla with lentils, chicken, 2 eggs, and guacamole. Then I had part of a Trader Joe’s dark chocolate bar with toffee, walnuts, and pecans, and I told myself I’d have 2 squares (125 cal) and I ended up eating 6 squares. (375 cal) :(
I was right on target with my calorie goal until I had that chocolate. I need to find some small, individually wrapped dark chocolates! They may be unsustainable, but at least I can satisfy a chocolate craving and be able to stop. Or eat a couple of dates or my homemade Laraballs!


I took this idea from these two recipes:
All you do is run almonds, dates, shredded coconut (unsweetened), and coconut oil (optional) in the food processor and form them into balls. Then you have a sweet, natural 80 cal snack when you just want a little something. The dates make it super sweet! Just make sure to use “fresh” dates. The first time I tried to make this I used dates I had bought months prior and it just turned into a crumbly mess, and I ended up just spooning the mix over yogurt. This time I bought a fresh batch of dates and used them right away while they were still soft. You could also try experimenting and adding other dried fruits in there, other nuts, or cocoa powder to make new flavors.

I love homemade oatmeal! Lately I’ve been making a batch at the beginning of the week and it lasts me for 4 breakfasts. I use a cup of Sprouts’ 6 grain cereal (whole wheat, rye, oats, barley, sunflower, red wheat), 1 cup milk, 1.5-2 cups water, ¼ c dried cranberries (handful), 1/8 c raisins (small handful), and lots of cinnamon. It only takes 10-15 min to make, and I save the rest in a Tupperware and microwave my portion later with a little bit of extra milk. Each serving is only 140 calories and I really don’t want more than that, it’s so filling.

I’ve read through most of Jillian Michaels’ “Making the Cut”, and while it is definitely useful, following her plan exactly would be expensive! The meal plan geared towards me (a “slow oxidizer”) has fish in almost every dinner meal and a lot of the moves in her workout plan involve gym equipment. I will very roughly try to follow the basic plan though. She recommends consuming the same number of calories as your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), which for me is 1350, so my goal is to consume no more than 1400 calories per day. I’ll try to use similar recipes and have the same intensity of workouts (30-45 min of circuit training, along with cardio).

I just discovered that Sprouts (my favorite grocery store!) has all the nutritional information online for all of their bulk bin items! Hooray! I can stop trying to discreetly take pictures of all their bin signs while I’m shopping…
Sprouts Farmers Market - Bulk Nutrition Info 

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