Oops. :P
A combination of laziness, distractions, and guilt can be blamed for my absence of postings. A majority of the past week I just haven't been recording my items for the day. I've found that I need to put pen to notebook in my food journal first thing in the morning and continue throughout the day, because if I just think of it in my head and say that I'll just record it in a little while... I won't. And on both kinds of days I'll be really good with my eating throughout the day, until the end of the night comes and I give in to snacking. My worst downfall right now is late night snacking. I would love any suggestions to help with this, because lately I just can't help myself.
What I have been doing well with lately is being active every day. Even if its just quidditch practice or tap dance rehearsal, I've gotten out there and done something. Tonight I went to Golds for the first time in a bit. What works for me for getting out there and exercising is to tack it onto something I already have planned for the day. During the semester I would pack my gym bag at night and then tell my mom that she would be dropping me off at the gym in the morning or just drive there myself. Then I'd have everything I'd need for school with me and work out before heading to school. Other times I would pack a gym bag and take it with me to work so then as soon as I got off I'd drive the 2 minutes over to the gym to work out. Pencilling in a workout for myself makes me so much more likelier to actually do it. The second situation is what happened today. My original plan was to go to the gym in the morning, then walk to the bus and take that to tap rehearsal, then come back and run. What actually ended up happening was I slept in, drove to tap rehearsal, came back and watched some Glee, showered for the shift I picked up, put packed my gym clothes and brought them with me to work, so I got into the gym after work. And I'm so glad I did. I kept thinking to myself how while it may take me a bit to get out there and start my exercise, once I do I always am glad I did. And I do enjoy exercise now. Not just the result of it, the actual act of it. Feeling my muscles burn and ache, sweating and feeling the endorphin rush, knowing that I'm working hard!
Just remember: You're only one workout away from a good mood! |
Weight: 132.9 Calories: 1088.5 Carbs: 114.5 Protein:62 Fat: 46
Quaker Instant Oatmeal, 1/2 banana
Broccoli w/creamy peanut butter
Hot dog
Salmon Burger on a sandwich thin w/ cream cheese
Kashi frozen dinner: Lemongrass Coconut Chicken
If I remember correctly this was also the day that my mom brought home a crate of strawberries from a stand near the high school she works at, and they had come straight from Oxnard so they were fresh and sweet and juicy and extremely delicious. I've been eating a bunch of those each day so those would also have to be factored in, but fortunately they wouldn't affect the total too much :P
In the morning I jumped in the pool, but didn't actually swim more than from one end to the other. Which is more than I have been doing. Almost every day I say that I will go swimming, but its only been tiny steps; saying I will then not, one day saying I will and getting my swimsuit on, another day getting my swim suit on and skimming the pool and still not going in, but today I actually got in! Maybe next time I'll actually swim a couple of laps
And after work I went over to Hollie's and didn't snack at all! :D yay
5/12 Saturday
Honey Bunches of Oats, milk
*After walking up and down the Ventura pier with Hollie*,
Clam chowder sourdough bread bowl, oyster crackers
Snacking (can't remember what)
*Ran 6 miles with Dad in 1:01:06*
spoonful of peanut butter
didn't snack while hanging out watching movies with friends, but did snack afterwards
5/13 Sunday
Weight: 132.1
Salmon Burger on a sandwich thin w/cream cheese
My manager brought donuts to work for our department! D: resisting temptation for a majority of the shift, but had just half of one of the smaller ones. It was beyond yummy. Those are one thing that I have not stopped enjoying the taste of
Mother Day brunch at Olive Garden: Pomegranate Limetta drink (50cal), Chicken and Gnocchi Soup (250 cal), 1 breadstick, and samplings from other people's appetizers and entrees
*Quidditch practice! Ran some great drills and made everyone run 3 laps of the baseball field with me (muahahahaha!)*
Strawberry pie a la mode (Its a team tradition now to walk over to Du Pars diner after practice for pie. I've gone and just hung out without ordering anything but tonight I couldn't resist.)
moar snacking :/
5/14 Monday
Weight: 132.6
"Creamsicle" smoothie: carrot juice, orange juice, sliced almonds, frozen fruit blend, greek yogurt, oats, vanilla extract
Trader Joes Trek Mix Granola cereal, milk
*After work: Golds Gym! warmed up with 5 min treadmill, then worked a little all over body, then chest and abs and more abs, then 20 min on the treadmill doing intervals alternating minutes at 5.4 and 7.6*
moar snacking :/
Take out the snacking and a little bit more working out and I will improve so much. Again, any suggestions on how to keep my hands out of the kitchen cupboards when I don't need them in there are much appreciated :)
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